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College of Arts & Sciences

Anthropology is the study of what it means to be human in the broadest sense, through an examination of culture and society (sociocultural and linguistic anthropology), the biology and evolution of humans and our closest relatives (biological anthropology) and the study of past human communities and material culture (archaeology). Students develop an appreciation of the value of physical and cultural differences at the local, national and global levels, and learn critical thinking skills that support them in careers that involve working with individuals of diverse national or ethnic backgrounds. 

The aim of the anthropology major is to provide a background in behavioral studies for students who desire a broad education in either the biological or the social sciences. Anthropology majors can obtain research experience in science and the humanities through ethnographic or biological research, or archaeology field schools. Most undergraduates in anthropology at Texas A&M select this major because of the opportunity it affords them to acquire a sound education.  

The curriculum is ideal for students who want to pursue professional careers or graduate study in anthropology and archaeology. However, students will also find the curriculum fully suitable to prepare them for employment opportunities or careers in: secondary or higher education; medicine; law; museum and foundation settings; the local, state and federal government (such as the National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Institute of Health and others); non-governmental organizations and nonprofit organizations; foreign service with government agencies (such as the Agency for International Development, United Nations organizations, and others); private archaeological research institutions and nontraditional opportunities emerging in business and management.


Anthropology Majors/Prospective Students

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

A number of our undergraduate majors have participated in research or field schools during their time in the Department of Anthropology. These experiences include archaeological fieldwork, ethnographic fieldwork, laboratory opportunities, museum internships, independent research projects, and other related opportunities.

Some of our recent graduates and current Anthropology majors have shared the types of research and names of fieldwork opportunities that they have engaged in while at Texas A&M.
Click HERE to check out these opportunities!

Opportunities for Undergraduate Funding and Awards

Likewise, we provide a list of funding and award opportunities for undergraduate majors which include both internal and external opportunities. See Undergraduate Research for examples of these opportunities and for access to various applications and eligibility requirements for internal funding and awards.

Undergraduate Clubs and Resources

As a resource and support network made up of and for undergraduate students, and sometimes also graduate students and various faculty, the Department of Anthropology houses clubs and organizations available for participation. Becoming an active member in one or some of these clubs allows undergraduate students to enhance their learning and understanding of the field of anthropology and its subfields outside of the classroom.
Furthermore, many undergraduate students are interested in what comes after degree completion and what their career or higher education options are in the time following graduation. To aid in searching for these opportunities, the department has compiled a short list of links for undergraduate students to visit and learn more about their options after graduation.