General Information
- Building Acronym: BLOC
- Building Number: 524
- Location on campus map
- Location on Google Maps
- Adjacent Buildings:
Mitchell Physics Building
Jack E. Brown Engineering Building
Cyclotron Institute
Engineering Physics Building
Halbouty Geosciences Building
Northside Parking Garage - Adjacent Streets: Ireland Street, University Drive
- Building Proctor:
Christine Green, College of Arts & Sciences
Phone: 979-458-7714
Mobile: 713-689-8815 - Staff Parking: Northside Parking Garage
- Visitor Parking: Northside Parking Garage
- University Business Parking: Spence Street
- Handicapped Parking: Front of building
- Handicapped Access: Rear and SE side of building. Details.
- Elevators: Three (center of building)
Building Directory
- Restrooms: Center of building on each floor. Also on northwest side of first floor.
- Vending machines: Center of first floor
- Coffee/snack bar: Center of first floor
- Copiers: Center of first floor
- Express drop boxes: Center of second floor
Last modified: 21Aug2009 slj