There are multiple ways to earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Applied Mathematics at Texas A&M University.
All advising for this degree option is done through the Undergraduate Program Office in the Department of Mathematics.
Choose Your Degree Emphasis
There are seven emphases to choose from. Each will help you develop analytical and quantitative tools relevant to different careers.
If you choose the appropriate electives, each emphasis can prepare you to enter quantitatively oriented graduate schools, including Ph.D. programs in Applied Mathematics or Mathematics.
Actuarial Science Emphasis
The Actuarial Science emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to challenges in the financial and insurance industries.
Through this program, you will investigate techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in economics and finance that demonstrate how mathematics can be used to model financial concerns in the insurance and related industries.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in the modern financial markets. Coursework in the Actuarial emphasis will prepare you to take actuarial exams necessary for employment in the actuarial industry.
A minor in business or economics is well suited to students in this program.
B.S. in Applied Mathematics — Actuarial Science Emphasis Curriculum
Biological Science Emphasis
The Biological Sciences emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to problems in biology, medicine, and the environment.
Through this program, you will investigate techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in biology and other sciences that demonstrate how mathematics models phenomena in the life sciences.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared for a career in applications of mathematics to the life sciences. Furthermore, this degree program contains the prerequisite coursework for students interested in medical school. This program is recommended for pre-med students interested in pursuing a mathematics degree.
A minor in biology is well suited to students in this program.
B.S. in Applied Mathematics — Biological Science Emphasis Curriculum
Computational Science Emphasis
The Computational emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to concrete problems in computation and technology.
Through this program, you will investigate a broad array of techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in computer science that demonstrate how mathematics models challenges in computing and technology.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in technological industries.
A minor in computer science is well suited to students in this program.
B.S. in Applied Mathematics — Computational Science Emphasis Curriculum
Cryptography Emphasis
The Cryptography emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to concrete problems in cybersecurity.
Through this program, you will investigate a broad array of techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in computer science that demonstrate how mathematics is central to keeping information and data secure.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in technological industries or government, especially in cybersecurity related fields.
A minor in computer science or cybersecurity is well suited to students in this program.
B.S. in Applied Mathematics — Cryptography Emphasis Curriculum
Economics Emphasis
The Economics emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to challenges in business and financial industries.
Through this program, you will investigate techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in economics and finance that demonstrate how mathematics can be used to model economic and financial concerns.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in modern financial markets. Coursework in the Economics emphasis will prepare you to take actuarial exams necessary for employment in the actuarial industry.
A minor in business or economics is well suited to students in this program.
Math Emphasis
The Mathematics emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to concrete problems in technology and business.
Through this program, you will investigate a broad array of techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in related fields, such as computer science and statistics, that demonstrate how mathematics models challenges we face every day.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in technological industries or modern financial markets.
Statistics Emphasis
The Statistics emphasis explores the application of analytical problem solving tools to concrete problems in the statistical analysis of data.
Through this program, you will investigate a broad array of techniques in applied and pure mathematics. You'll also pursue electives in statistics that demonstrate how mathematics is central to acquiring information from the analysis of data sets.
After completing this program, you'll be prepared to enter employment in technological industries or government.
A minor in computer science or statistics is well suited to students in this program.
B.S. in Applied Mathematics — Statistics Emphasis Curriculum