In 2003 after spending 25 years as a Professor, Department Head of Statistics, and becoming Dean of Science, H. Joseph Newton, together with his wife Linda wanted to do something to “give back” to Texas A&M. As part of the 2000-2006b A&M Capital Campaign, they decided to donate $25,000 to the Department of Statistics. Recognizing that the hard work of graduate assistants was crucial to the teaching programs of the department and that there were very few ways to honor their work, they asked that the donation be used to create a graduate student teaching award. Rather than have the award named in their honor they asked that it be named in honor of Joe’s parents who had played such an important role in encouraging him to accomplish his goals.
Recipients of the Ruth J. and Howard F. Newton Memorial Graduate Student Teaching Award in Statistics shall be a full-time student in good standing pursuing a graduate degree in Statistics from the College of Science at Texas A&M. Recipients will receive a $1000 cash award and certificate. For nominations, please email the chair of the awards committee by June 30th.
- Gozde Sert
- Original recipient: Jacob Helwig
- Renat Sergazinov
- James Dole