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College of Arts & Sciences

Each semester, the Department of English offers 5-7 UPREP projects for undergraduate English majors. The Undergraduate Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) allows students the opportunity to work alongside a faculty member on a research project outside of the classroom. Student involvement can range from working as an editorial or research assistant to aiding in the preparation for an academic conference. In order to apply, students must be full-time undergraduates majoring in English. In order for students to be compensated, they must be enrolled for 3 credit hours for Fall 2025.

Students who are selected to work on a UPREP project will:

  • serve as a project assistant for a faculty member for up to 100 hours throughout the semester
  • gain invaluable practical experience in an area of interest for future academic or career plans
  • submit an evaluation report of her/his experience at the end of the term
  • have the opportunity to earn academic credit in the form of an ENGL 485 contract
  • receive a $750 stipend at the end of the semester when all duties are completed

In order to apply, please complete the UPREP Application and email to or drop off a hard copy of your application to LAAH 352 by the deadline. Students may apply to more than one project, but will need to complete a separate application for each one.

All student applications for Fall 2025 are due on *Tuesday April 1st* by 5:00pm. Students will be notified of a decision by Tuesday April 15th.