Whether you’re unsure of how to start your search for a study abroad program, or you know exactly what you want to do but need help with a step in the process, we’re here for you! You can set up an appointment in-person or virtually via Navigate, send us an email with your questions, or drop by during our drop-in advising hours. Please review this linked PDF (Top Study Abroad Questions to Ask Yourself) before coming into an advising appointment.
Schedule a Navigate appointment using the link below and indicate whether you’d like it to be virtual (Zoom) or in-person (ACAD 228). At some points in the year, only virtual appointments may be available. Please include in the notes any questions or information you’d like to discuss. Our office is located on the second floor of the Academic Building. You take a right at the top of the stairs, go through the glass doors, and our office is on the right towards the end of the hall. Look for the room numbers above the door (# 228).
Please note that if you email us requesting an appointment, you will be redirected to this same Navigate page to make the appointment. Navigate indicates ALL current availability. If you do not see an immediate opening, it’s because other students have already taken the most immediate appointment times, and you will have to make an appointment further in advance.
We are listed as “AT – Planning for Study Abroad” or “AT – Exchange Program Interest” in Navigate.
If there is no availability with our office, you may schedule an appointment with an Education Abroad advisor.
If you’d like to have questions answered via email, please send us an email at the below address. Please be as specific as possible in your request. If you’re asking questions about a certain program or part of the process, include any documentation as attachments. Please do not email us asking for an appointment -- use the Navigate link above. If you have a question about the pre-approval for transfer credit process, please go to our For Students Page and review the resources available there (most emails we receive with questions about this process could be answered by reviewing these materials). Due to current staffing changes, it may take 3-5 business days to receive a response.
Email: artsci-studyabroad@tamu.edu
Please note that our office only serves Majors in the College of Arts and Sciences. If you are not a major in our college, you have a different office to visit for study abroad advising. For example, International Affairs/Studies students have their own office of International and High Impact Experiences at the Bush School. Please visit this list of study abroad contacts across the university to check for your college’s contact person if you are not in the College of Arts and Sciences.
If you’d like to drop by for advising, we are available in the Academic Building, Room 228, at the below times. You will be assisted by one of our Global Ambassadors (peer mentors). Drop-in advising is done on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no availability for drop-in’s outside of drop-in times. If the door is closed and states “in a meeting” that means that other students are being assisted privately. Please wait for the door to open again before entering.
December 2024
- Monday, December 2nd: 9:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 3:00pm
- Tuesday, December 3rd: 9:00am – 12:00pm
- Thursday, December 5th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Winter Break 2024-2025
- No walk-in advising available between December 6th, 2024 – January 12, 2025).
Spring 2025 (Begins January 13, 2025)
- Mondays: 9:00 – 11:00am and 1:00 – 3:00pm
We are actively working towards creating more support opportunities for students in the study abroad process, and so please note that the drop-in advising hours may be subject to shifts due to staffing changes, meetings, or events.