TAMU graduate students regularly serve as teaching assistants for large undergraduate survey courses. Many have the opportunity to be instructors of record for their own classes, typically during their fifth year. In addition, the Department offers “History Teaching Endorsement,” a program to mentor our graduate students in the classroom and help them develop a dynamic teaching portfolio. Students work with a faculty mentor to develop a statement of teaching philosophy, receive feedback on their lecturing and discussion-leading techniques, and keep up-to-date on the latest classroom technologies. Our Graduate Placement Director also provides professional development workshops on teaching.
Graduate Assistantships (GAT)
Students admitted with funding serve the department as Graduate Assistants, (GATs) with a workload of up to 20 hours per week. Per university rules, students enrolled in the 96-hour PhD program are eligible for funding during their first five years in the program. Students enrolled in the 64-hour PhD program are eligible for funding during their first four years in the program.
GATs receive a nine-month salary plus university-funded medical/dental and life insurance coverage year-round. The department provides each GAT office space in the department. New GATs must attend university orientations for teaching assistants at the beginning of the fall semester.
GATs provide support to teaching faculty; their duties vary as each professor determines how to utilize their GATs. Generally, GATs grade examinations, both objective and essay, hold office hours, attend undergraduate lectures, and take attendance. GATs may also be required to conduct review sessions, lecture for an absent professor, write examinations, and record grades. The Director of Graduate Studies assigns GATs to the faculty each semester. The Center for Teaching Excellence has resources to help GATs with teaching, administering and writing exams, and other classroom related tasks.
Graduate Assistantships – Lecturer (GAL)
Doctoral students who have passed their preliminary examinations may receive Graduate Assistantship, Lecturer (GAL) positions. The department appoints GALs based on seniority, progress toward their degree, and prior satisfactory service as GATs. The department funds GALs for up to four semesters based on satisfactory progress. GALs receive a nine-month salary (based on number of courses taught each semester) plus university-funded medical/dental and life insurance coverage year-round. Each GAL has a mailbox in the department mail room and share office space in the department.
First semester GALs have complete responsibility for one course section. They choose their books, write their syllabi, lecture, prepare examinations, hold office hours, and assign grades. Subsequently, depending on department needs, GALs may receive funding to teach more than one section. GALs are periodically evaluated by the department leadership. Their assignments are determined by the Associate Department Head. The Center for Teaching Excellence has resources to assist GALs with teaching, administering and writing exams, or and other classroom related tasks.