B.A. Program and B.S. Program

The TAMU Department of History provides undergraduates with a baccalaureate program leading to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A). and Bachelors of Science (B.S.) degrees. To explore these programs and get detailed information on the undergraduate program requirements and coursework, click on the links on the right-hand side.
BA/MA Dual Degree Program

Texas A&M students walking near the Melbern G. Glasscock Building—the home of the Department of History. Photo courtesy of the TAMU College of Arts and Sciences.
The Department of History offers a five-year joint degree program that provides qualified students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master of Arts in History. This is an accelerated program that allows students the opportunity to earn both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in a shorter period of time and at a slightly lower financial cost. To learn more, click on the link on the right-hand side.