List of Undergraduate History Advisors
Adrianna Rodriguez
- Academic Advisor II
- Office: LAAH 352
- Phone: 979-845-8361
- Email:

To make an appointment with an academic advisor, click the purple Appointments icon in your Navigate student App. You will select your college and appointment service. Click on an available time and confirm your appointment.
Q drop requests are submitted online in Howdy from the My Dashboard tab under the My Requests Dropdown. Check with your academic advisor before Q dropping a course.
You need to receive approval from the instructor before auditing a course. A student auditing a course will not pay for the class, nor will they receive credit for it. Approval for auditing a course depends on space, availability of instructional equipment, and the discretion of the instructor.
Incoming students who intend to enroll for the first time in any language course at TAMU, who have previous knowledge, however acquired, of the language in which they plan to enroll, and who have no college credit in the language, must take the departmental placement examination to determine the appropriate course for their level of ability. The placement test also serves as a basis for credit by examination. Students who take the Advanced Placement (AP) test do not have to take the departmental placement exam.
Make a request to the History department by submitting a change of major request online through your Howdy portal. Unless you are an incoming freshman/transfer student, students need to have successfully completed one History class at TAMU College Station when transferring from another TAMU department, have completed fewer than 90 hours, and have a 2.0 or higher GPR.
The differences are based on the number of required hours in foreign language and science. The BA HIST degree requires four semesters (14 hours) of credit in one foreign language and 9 hours in science. The BS HIST degree requires 21 hours in science and either 2 years of one foreign language in high school or 2 semesters of one foreign language taken in college. Both degrees require a total of 120 hours.
Meet with an academic advisor to discuss adding a minor to your degree plan. Students can declare a maximum of two minors. Minors need to be declared before you reach 90 hours.
Please review Student Rule 14.3 – 14.4 before making an appointment with your advisor for a conversation about adding a double major or double degree.
Students can view their AP credits by viewing the Credit by Exam link in My Record in Howdy. Students should only accept AP credit that can be used in their degree evaluation and should discuss this with their academic advisor before doing so.
To be eligible for the History Honors program, incoming students must have an SAT score of 1250 (verbal + math, with a minimum score of 570 on each) or a 28 on the ACT and need to have graduated in the top 10% of their high school class. Current and potential History majors whose overall GPR at TAMU is 3.5 or above are also eligible. Students pursuing History Honors are eligible for Honors Priority Registration each semester, provided they consult with a History academic advisor prior to registration and maintain a 3.5 GPR. Students who do not meet these criteria will be allowed one probationary semester to return to good standing before being dropped from the History Honors program. A student with a grade of F* (indicating academic dishonesty) is ineligible to earn the History Honors distinction.
To graduate with History Honors, students must complete the following 18 hours of honors classes: 12 hours Honors hours in History, including at least 6 hours at the 300/400 level, plus an additional 6 honors elsewhere in their degree plan with a 3.5 cumulative GPR and a 3.25 GPR in Honors courses. Students may use 6 hours of Honors Independent Study (HIST 497) leading to a senior thesis toward this requirement. Students choosing this option are exempt from HIST 481. History Honors hours are distinct from “Latin Honors” such as cum laude, summa cum laude or magna cum laude which are conferred by the Office of the Registrar.